

Binge Worthy TV


March 2015

The 100: Teen Drama Evolution

If you think when starting The 100 that you’re going to get a typical teen drama that’s a little too heavy on the drama and not heavy enough on an engaging plot line then I suggest you think again and give this one a real chance. I will be honest with you dear readers, that when I watched a bunch of rebel space age teens go bananas on what’s left of a nearly century year old post-apocalyptic Earth to Imagine Dragons’ ‘Radioactive’ I thought my binge time was up, but this show hit maturity like it was Neville Longbottom. It doesn’t promote itself as high end science fiction drama and doesn’t need to either as it is enticing and addictive in its own right.

Continue reading “The 100: Teen Drama Evolution”

Orphan Black: Join the Clone Club

Tatiana Maslany. I see no other way in which to start this post other than with the name of the leading actress who oozes pure magnificence, brilliance and genius. Exaggerating you say? I kid you not, it would be an impossible task to try and name any other who could play several characters with such intensity and professional purpose as Maslany. For those of you who don’t watch for actor performance alone Orphan Black resists complete genre categorisation by shading with tones of several: sci-fi, fantasy, drama and perfectly weaved comedy are strung together to create a web of watch-ability that would make any spider proud. If you’re looking for a series of limitless potential, unexpected twists and plot directions, and has characters you love to love and love to hate (even if they are all played by the same actress) then here it is! Continue reading “Orphan Black: Join the Clone Club”

Vikings: The Bloodiest Blast from the Past

You might have heard of these fierce, axe-wielding 8th Century warriors or seen pictures of bearded men and plaited women in horned helmets, but Vikings brought to you by the History network breaks all conventional bounds and brings you a gritty, gruesome and above all a realistic series that leaves you thirsting for more. Continue reading “Vikings: The Bloodiest Blast from the Past”

Black Sails: The Black is Back

Quick! Grab some snack supplies, hustle together a crew of your most favoured friends and set sail on the comfiest sofa (or if you’re me Captain it alone under the duvet) as you’re going to suffer from one almighty binge hangover from this treasure of a series. Continue reading “Black Sails: The Black is Back”

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