

Binge Worthy TV



BB First Impressions: Jekyll and Hyde

Jekyll and Hyde, ITV’s brand spanking new Sunday revival drama aired this weekend with the promise to bring a supernatural feast to a Doctor Who’s age audience– or attempt to win the un-followers of the series, who have lost interest in BBC’s leading sci-fi drama due to the muddled and murky direction it has been led astray into…but that’s just a personal opinion. Firstly, I found it’s success rate of achieving that goal a hit and miss situation but overall I believe it has the foundations for an interesting adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic novel of 1886.  Continue reading “BB First Impressions: Jekyll and Hyde”

BingeBox Wants: Books on Television

Do you know what I’m sick of? Picking up a brilliant book, loving it to the bindings and back, only to be overly disappointed by the film adaptation that follows not long after. I am by no means alone, I can safely say that there are millions of book readers out there who will vouch that nine times out of ten, Hollywood just doesn’t know how to take care of a popular book series when putting it to the screen.

Continue reading “BingeBox Wants: Books on Television”

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