

Binge Worthy TV



How To Get Away With Murder: Guilty of Being Bingeable

How to Get Away with Murder had been on my radar since it premiered last year but with the plethora of continuing series keeping me busy and the show being on an obscure television channel here in the UK it was something I had completely forgotten about. That was until I watched the Emmy’s this year. In all honesty, I had been rooting for Tatiana Maslany who I have been supporting ever since the first episode of Orphan Black  and will continue to do so as she is in her own right an inspiring young actress. However, the importantly powerful and incredible acceptance speech given by Viola Davis when she won in that category gave me all the more reason to finally pay attention to a series that was lost in memory. I was not disappointed.  Continue reading “How To Get Away With Murder: Guilty of Being Bingeable”

Penny Dreadful: Penny Wonderful More Like

Let me take you back to 19th Century London, where you’ll find industry and poverty spreading over the cobbles as thickly and quickly as a past plague. Where the humble orange is a special treat and where the most entertaining, bloodthirsty and compelling of stories could be bought for a penny on a street corner. (British Term Alert: A penny is low form of currency) This Penny Dreadful however, that has hit Showtime and Sky Atlantic for one and now a second season is not only entertaining, bloodthirsty and compelling but is the story format’s 21st Century upgrade. Prepare to be thrust into the gory and the Gothic, and literature lovers rejoice as there is plenty to be excited about!

Continue reading “Penny Dreadful: Penny Wonderful More Like”

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