

Binge Worthy TV


October 2015

BB First Impressions: Jekyll and Hyde

Jekyll and Hyde, ITV’s brand spanking new Sunday revival drama aired this weekend with the promise to bring a supernatural feast to a Doctor Who’s age audience– or attempt to win the un-followers of the series, who have lost interest in BBC’s leading sci-fi drama due to the muddled and murky direction it has been led astray into…but that’s just a personal opinion. Firstly, I found it’s success rate of achieving that goal a hit and miss situation but overall I believe it has the foundations for an interesting adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic novel of 1886.  Continue reading “BB First Impressions: Jekyll and Hyde”

How To Get Away With Murder: Guilty of Being Bingeable

How to Get Away with Murder had been on my radar since it premiered last year but with the plethora of continuing series keeping me busy and the show being on an obscure television channel here in the UK it was something I had completely forgotten about. That was until I watched the Emmy’s this year. In all honesty, I had been rooting for Tatiana Maslany who I have been supporting ever since the first episode of Orphan Black  and will continue to do so as she is in her own right an inspiring young actress. However, the importantly powerful and incredible acceptance speech given by Viola Davis when she won in that category gave me all the more reason to finally pay attention to a series that was lost in memory. I was not disappointed.  Continue reading “How To Get Away With Murder: Guilty of Being Bingeable”

Hunter X Hunter: Bingeable Anime

As someone who adored watching anime throughout my childhood from the likes of: Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, Beyblade and those episodes of Sailor Moon that are now lost in memory, I’m not so hesitant to delve into this realm of vibrant, creative and original series that many refuse to even try. Why are there people so reluctant to? Perhaps anime to those who have not peeped into the many hundreds that are out there consider it not appropriate for serious adult viewing, and it can be treated as children’s fodder compared to the mainstream television shows. (Much to the dismay of the millions of fans out there.) Just as many prefer not to watch foreign subtitled films, the same explanations could apply to anime which as popular as it is still remains a niche market for television in the broad worldwide sense. Continue reading “Hunter X Hunter: Bingeable Anime”

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